Acousto-Optic NonDestructive Inspection (AONDI)
Project Overview

Nondestructive testing (NDT) is essential for detecting internal flaws in safety-critical components, but existing NDT techniques are often costly, slow, or unsuitable for inspecting complex material structures. The goal of this project is to develop a novel NDT method which utilizes acoustic resonance. At specific frequencies, a mechanical system vibrates at normal modes with characteristic vibration patterns. Changes to the system’s structure, such as internal defects, create changes in these characteristic patterns which can be recorded and amplified by an image processing system. The result will be a proof-of-concept Acousto-Optic Nondestructive Inspection (AONDI) imaging technique for rapidly analyzing components at low cost.
- Simulate Plate Waves
- Observe Mode Patterns in Aluminum sheet
- Demonstrate Image Processing Capture of Plate Modes
Major Tasks
The major tasks of the project are outlined below. These are nominal and are likely to change somewhat throughout the course of the year. These are meant to illustrate the general nature of the work that the position entails.
- Observe and catalog low frequency excitation of aluminum sheet
- Simulate expected mode patterns using FEA
- Capture high-speed footage of plate vibrations
- Develop image processing algorithm to amplify plate distortion
- Process captured videos
- Validate results
- Project management and reporting
Open Positions
Preferred Skills and Interests
- Ultrasonic/acoustic wave propagation
- Optics
- Nondestructive inspection
- Material properties
- High speed imaging
- Image processing
- Electronics integration
- Data collection and analysis
- Design of experiment.
Preferred Academic Years
- Looking for First-year/Sophomore/Junior level students
Preferred Majors
- CS
- CpE
- EE
- ME
How to Apply
Applications will be reviewed by Dr. Gray and by continuing researchers on the team. After a review of the application, our team will contact candidates to schedule an interview (likely to be conducted via zoom). Review for the positions will be conducted over the 2024 Summer break starting around 7/14/24. Please complete the MS Form, uploading the following documents:
- A brief (~1 page) essay or cover letter explaining which of the projects you are interested in, and why you think you might be a good fit for that project (or those projects). If you are applying for multiple projects, extend your essay a little and describe your interest and qualifications for each position. Be sure to let us know your major and where you are in your academic career (sophomore, junior, etc.)
- A resume outlining your work experience and education
Please reach out to Dr. Gray ( if you have any questions or concerns.